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SAFEE approaches Human Trafficking aftercare like no other organization.  We intend to empower each survivor to thrive and grow towards becoming contributing members of their community, with the support of their family whenever possible.


We have learned that healing and restoration can take place in many ways. As a result, our programs are tailored to meet the individual needs of each survivor in their own local context.  We recognize a “one size fits all” approach does not address the needs of each survivor. We are intentional with our aftercare services which results in individualized and scalable programs that not only allow us to provide customized care based off the survivors current and future needs but allows SAFEE to provide individualized care to more victims than ever before. We are excited to share our aftercare models and services with you! SAFEE’s programs provide a safe place for all who have been rescued to rest, grow, and recover.



Provides a physical safe haven, restoration, and place for healing survivors of Human Trafficking. When a survivor comes into the STRENGTH HOME, they have access to onsite aftercare team where we ensure all physical, mental, and spiritual needs are met. Strength Home is the most suitable care we can provide to residents who do not have a safe family environment to return to, or for those who require more intentional “one on one” care. Typically, Strength Home is for survivors who have experienced high levels of physical or mental trauma.


STRENGTH HOME can include;

Physical and mental needs assessment, Individualized reintegration care plan, John Maxwell Inspirational Leadership Training, Community relationship building, Learning center & vocational training, Employment and education assistance through college degrees, Group psychoeducation sessions.



Ultimately, SAFEE wishes to return survivors to their loving family environment whenever safe and possible. SAFEE caseworkers meet with victims and their family on a regular basis as well as providing up to 12 months of financial support. In the Return Home program, SAFEE is able to build relationships with survivors, families, and local communities. This approach allows survivors to remain in environments already familiar to them with established support networks. We are able to connect the survivor and their family to local spiritual leaders, government support, resources, and assist with long-term employment opportunities within their community. Allowing them to heal and flourish in a familiar environment.


RETURN HOME can include;

Regular caseworker support, 12-month financial assistance, Life skills education, Relationship building between family and community, Connect with available community, government resources and support, Create reintegration and care plan, John Maxwell Inspirational Leadership Training, Employment and education assistance through college degrees, Provision of local pastoral care.



Having come from unstructured environments, some older residents caught up in exploitation can be hesitant to relinquish their current perceived “freedoms” in exchange for structured group-home settings. In SAFEE’s FREEDOM HOME, survivors are provided with six months rental assistance as well as support in gaining full-time employment and access to education. In contrast to SAFEE’s STRENGTH HOME and RETURN HOME, FREEDOM HOME allows survivors who have been rescued to live independently with a greater sense of freedom and autonomy while still receiving quality care and mentorship from nearby caseworkers. FREEDOM HOME is designed with individuals in mind who have demonstrated responsibility and the capacity to flourish independently. FREEDOM HOME can be a more natural transition for older victims and it allows us more opportunities to successfully rescue and reach more survivors.


FREEDOM HOME can include;

6-months’ rent free apartment, Support in creating a reintegration and care plan, Autonomy & flexibility, Life skills education, John Maxwell Inspirational Leadership Training, Group psychoeducation sessions, Vocational training, Employment and education assistance through college degrees.


Through all three of these aftercare models, we are able to reach a greater number of survivors by catering to the different circumstances each individual has experienced and provide them with the best environment to begin and continue in their healing journey.

© 2023 by SAFEE Non-Profit Corporation. Proudly created by Mam Yang.

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